Supporting image forth e Cupid mosaic. This is the top of the mosaic in the house of Amphitrite. The woman is believed robe either Amphitrite who is the…
This is a supportive image of the Braganza fibula. It shows a different angle from the original image, allowing us to see the work from a different perspective.
This is the supporting image of fibula Braganza, it is a Fibula (Pin) from Italy, Etruscan; Time period is 4th Century B.C., also made by gold, and it…
Supportive image for the figure of the goddess Nike. This is a different angle but the same figure as the original post. Nike is the goddess of victory…
This is an stele of Padichonsu in front of Ra from about 10th-8th century BCE. It is important because it allows one to see the similarities and differences…