With further analysis we found that this i not a women but in fact a man names Gabriel. We also found that this isn’t a sculpture but a painting done by Van Eyck. Van Eyck is one of the most talented depiction artists. this picture leads us to believe that this is a sculpture which is amazing for this time (1439). The picture provided is only part of an original painting of Gabriel and Maria. We will focus only on Gabriel. The detail in this piece is amazing, the frame border looks so weathered and different from Gabriel that it tries you’re eye to believe is a sculpture. The painting style make it look like actually stone. This painting is kept in the Sammlung Thyssen-Bornemisza (museum in Madrid) and this painting is called Verkündigungsengel (Thyssen-Verkündigung). This painting is from the fifteenth century. the full painting is 39 × 24 cm in size but this is only half of that. Obviously we were wrong when we said the figure is pregnant but an explanation for the bigger belly is simply this is the body shspe back then.