40 Items Categorized "Group 6" (page 2 of 4)

Original painting

This is the original full painting of Gabriel and Maria put together

Ghent painting

With further analysis we found that this i not a women but in fact a man names Gabriel. We also found that this isn’t a sculpture but a…

Initial Thoughts of Stianed Glass image

Our initial Thoughts about this image were that it was a stained glass piece. It was composed of very vibrant colours, and intricate designs on each individual pieces….

Initial thoughts

Our initial thoughts are that this figure is on the inside of a building and the cross on her head piece leads us to believe that this was…

The mighty Oceanus and his wife- a happy couple.

The above picture of this almost cartoonish piece was taken at the Zeugma Mosaic Museum, Gaziantep, Turkey and provided by Adam Jones. the mosaic is still held in…

The mighty Oceanus and his wife- a happy couple.

The above picture of this almost cartoonish piece was taken at the Zeugma Mosaic Museum, Gaziantep, Turkey and provided by Adam Jones. the mosaic is still held in…

Party in the doorway?

Initial thoughts for the above door piece: We believed that this piece was originally above a door in some sort of building and is roman in origin. The…

initial thoughts on the hybrid mosaic

Initial thoughts for the mosaic piece: Upon initial look at this piece we believe that it is a roman mosaic and may have resided on the bottom of…

Table support.

This gives you an idea of what the sphinx is used for. And helps you picture the sphinx.

Table support.

This image describes how this sphinx is a table support. The original picture doesn’t show the beam coming up from the back. It is obvious in this image…

Chimaera Mosiac Istanbul

This is a supporting image of the Chimaera Mosaic held in Istanbul.

Roman Sphinx

We were wrong in assuming this is a Greek figure. Looking back after knowing what it is it’s clear it is Roman because of the hair. Greek Sphinxs’…