22 Items Categorized "Group 11" (page 2 of 2)

Khnum, Nephthys, and Isis

This painting can be found in the Tomb of Nefertari in Luxor, Egypt. This work is a wall mural and is simply a small piece of a story…

Khnum, Nephthys, and Isis

This painting can be found in the Tomb of Nefertari in Luxor, Egypt. This work is a wall mural and is simply a small piece of a story…

Ammon King of the Gods

Ammon was revered as king of the gods, one of the eight deities of the Hermopolite creation myth. His cult reached Thebes, where he became the patron of…

Second project

Assyrian God of Agriculture: Nisroch

Lamassu and Marduk

A statue of Lamassu from Mesopotamian Mithology. The “king of Assyria”,lime stone, alabaster. The figure is about 42 ft high. The statue from the British Museum is part…

Kneeling Bull Holding a Spouted Vessel

The kneeling bull is a small silver relic, holding a vessel with a spout and wearing human robes. The pattern of the said fabric is an interlocking lock…

Marlik Cup of Heroes

In the beginning when we first seen this photo the first thing that came to mind was kingly. This golden bowl, bucket, or goblet was kingly in our…

“striding man” 3000 BC

3000 BC, Iran or Mesopotamia demon with rams horns

Nisroch – Assyrian god of agriculture